Rory Gallagher - Legacy Posts

Rory Gallagher - Legacy Posts
[1971] Rory Gallagher | [1972] Live | [1973] Blueprint
[1973] Tatoo | [1974] Irish Tour '74 | [1975] Against The Grain
[1976] Calling Card | [1978] Photo Finish | [2011] Notes From San Francisco
24-bit 96kHZ vinyl rips | RS links

Just making available a few of my old rips for those that may have missed them.

All were done within the last year or so and originally appeared on the old vinyl solution, maybe avax,  and/or HRM. These are not new rips.

all transfers: likely from 2009 - 2012
Record Doctor RCM
Audio-Technica AT33EV
Sota Sapphire w/ Eminent Technology Tonearm 2 (ET-2)
(or maybe my Technics SL1100A w/ ATOC9MLII)
Tube Box SE II w/NOS Telefunken ECC83
E-MU 0404
Sound Studio [capture 24-bit/96kHZ]
Amadeus Pro [Analyze, split tracks, verify waveform, no clipping]
Izotope RX2 [manual de-clicking]
xACT [flac conversion, tagging, ffp]


tatooboy said…
Great work and effort a real gift for the weekend.
hatfieldjimi said…
I did miss these as I guess they were available before I knew all of these amazing vinyl rippers. I have these titles on CD, mostly the remastered versions. I am very happy to hear the vinyl versions instead.

Luckily I did get to see Rory in concert when he opened for Rush in 1983. I had never heard of him before that show.

Thanks for the share!!
VanEck said…
Thanks! I missed a few of these the first time.
darym3 said…
A colleague of me is a huge Rory-fan and missed some of these records cause they are not available on cd or out of print.

You made him a very happy man when I passed him these rips.
Many thanks for this collection from both of us!
Toxxy said…
Fantastic rips 86ed! Cheers indeed! :cool:

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