Colorado Sun Day Concerts

In the 1970s, Colorado had a great concert series called Colorado Sun Day which featured numerous bands at either Folsom Field on the CU campus in Boulder, or at Mile High Stadium in Denver.

While I attended a number of these and even have a few ticket stubs, lets just say my memories are a bit fuzzy and I cannot be certain who performed at all of these shows. I have made several inquiries to friends, local music writers, record store owners, and radio djs who have helped, but if you were there and can give me any input or corrections I would really appreciate it!

The info on the  earlier 1970s shows is from a discussion with Barry Fey that I had, and I seriously doubt many of them, he was editing history to some degree and referring to these shows as "Sun Day" shows that I do not think were ever billed as such until 1977.

He was also going from memory the night we spoke, and I cannot find evidence of many of these shows.


Allegedly the first Sun Day show at Folsom according to Barry Fey
  • WAR
  • Golden Earring
  • Grateful Dead
I find no evidence of this show at all. Golden Earring and Doobie Brothers played May 10 of 1975 @ Folsom


Mile High Stadium
  • Marshall Tucker Band
  • Pure Prairie League
  • The Outlaws
  • Lynyrd Skynyrd
I find no evidence of this show either, but Barry insisted it was so.
Marshall Tucker played Ebbett's Field June 23rd 1974 and the Outlaws played there a month later
Lynyrd Skynyrd and Heart played at Mile High in 1975

None were referred to as Sun Day events that I can find


Colorado Sun Day #1 July 18, 1976 at Mile High Stadium
  • The Beach Boys
  • Santana
  • Fleetwood Mac
  • Tommy Bolin
  • Natural Gas
Colorado Sun Day #3 August 8, 1976 at Mile High Stadium
  • Eagles
  • Linda Ronstadt
  • Pure Prairie League
Ticket and setlist confirmed here.
weird these are #1 and #3, no record of a #2 show between them.

from user comments below

August 29, 1976 at Mile High Stadium
  • Peter Frampton
  • Steve Miller Band
  • Tommy Bolin Band
  • Gary Wright
Setlist and ticket scan here.


Colorado Sun Day No. 1 May 1 1977:
  • Firefall
  • John Sebastian
  • Country Joe McDonald 
  • Santana
  • Bob Seger
  • Fleetwood Mac

Colorado Sun Day No. 2 June 16 1977: 
  • The Marshall Tucker Band
  • Lynyrd Skynyrd
  • Heart
  • The Outlaws
  • Foreigner
  • Dickey Betts & Great Southern


Colorado Sun Day No. 1, May 13 at Folsom Field:
  • Beach Boys
  • Firefall
  • Bob Welch
  • Journey

Colorado Sun Day No. 2 July 16 at Folsom Field:
  • The Rolling Stones
  • Kansas
  • Eddie Money
  • Peter Tosh

Colorado Sun Day No. 3 

This one was cancelled -- it was to have featured
  • Fleetwood Mac
  • The Kinks 

(slow ticket sales were blamed) The Kinks played Red Rocks instead.
The show was rescheduled with Fleetwood Mac, Firefall and the Jeff Beck Group -- but Jeff Beck canceled at the last minute and was replaced by Country Joe and the fish!
This all according to Barry Fey from a phone call I had with him.

Colorado Sun Day No. 4, July 29 at Folsom Field: 
  • The Eagles
  • The Steve Miller Band
  • Jesse Winchester


Colorado Sun Day No. 1 May 13 at Folsom Field:
  • Country Joe McDonald
  • Bob Welch
  • Poco
  • Doobie Brothers
  • Boston
Colorado Sun Day No. 2 June 16 at Mile High Stadium: 
  • Ted Nugent
  • Heart
  • The Cars
  • UFO
  • The Rockets

Colorado Sun Day No. 1 July 19, 1980 at Folsom Field:
  • Cheap Trick
  • REO Speedwagon
  • Blackfoot
  • Sammy Hagar
  • Bill Bruford (a last-minute replacement for April Wine, Bill Bruford and the Killer Bees played dressed up in Bumble-Bee costumes)

Colorado Sun Day #1 July 1, 1986  at Folsom Field:
  • Van Halen
  • Dio
  • Loverboy
  • BTO
  • Accept
Link and photo here. here.

Thanks for sharing the hazy memories...
Barry Fey, G. Brown, and my friends Erik Highland, Ric Dittman, Eric Herbert, Dave Young, Jeff Hodapp, Joe Meyer, Steve Hughes, Vince Rozmiarek


Unknown said…
The June 1977 concert was the 26th, I was there, it happened.
arlopop said…
Hi, I think I can help. My mother worked for Feyline from 75-77. I saw (whether I wanted to or not) lots of shows in those years (I was 14,15 then).

The first “Colorado Sun-Day” (billed as such) was July 18,1976. The headliner was the Beachboys. The other acts included Santana, Fleetwood Mac, Tommy Bolin, and (the dreadful) Natural Gas (who opened, and threw their albums out to the audience who threw them back at the band.

On August 8, 1976, their was a mile high show that featured The Eagles, Linda Rondstadt, and Pure Prairie League, but that was not officially a Colorado Sun-Day, if my memory serves.

The set lists for the bands at both those shows can be found, respectively, at these links:

Anonymous said…
I went to concert in May, 1979, and I'd bet money it was Country Joe McDonald, Boston, Bob Welch, Poco (not Heart) and the Doobie Brothers.
Unknown said…
I was at Sunday number 2 with Lynyrd Skynyrd.
Unknown said…
I attended most Of the Colorado Sunday concerts in the seventies At mile high stadium 2 of the bands you did not list but I distinctly remember we're Boston and Peter Frampton
86ed said…
Thanks for the comments, tried to update and corroborate them, much appreciated!
Unknown said…
I was at #2 in 77. It did happen, Marshall Tucker people unplugged Hearts equipment because Skynyrd played so long. What a show!
Unknown said…
I'm VERY impressed you remember all that. I was there :-) but those deails did not stay with me:-) TL
Marty said…
I do remember Heart got unplugged Was Monday morning by then. Wasn’t ZZ Top there too?
Unknown said…
Summer of 86, Billed as Colorado Sunday Folsum Field Boulder, BTO, leslie west joined for Mountains Mississippi Queen, Dio, Loverboy and Van Halen headlined, I was there and still have ticket stub
86ed said…
Interesting, don't remember this one. shows:

Jul 12, 1986 Folsom Field, Boulder, CO

Van Halen
Bachman–Turner Overdrive

No mention of Queen?
greenchiledem said…
I was at #1 - 1976 -Beach Boys, Santana, Fleetwood Mac.
I was also at #2 - 1977 - Marshall Tucker, Heart, Lynard Skynard.
And yes I remember the issue with the Heart sound system but, never knew why until now. My date was a photographer who took a classic image of the band. Later that year, plane crash. Need to locate that photo.
Anonymous said…
Colorado Sunday #2 in '77 was on June 26th, still have the ticket stub. Also one of the bands that played but is not noted here is the Atlanta Rhythm Section.
Colorado Sunday #2 featuring: The Marshall Tucker Band; Lynyrd Skynyrd [pre-crash]; Heart; Atlanta Rhythm Section; The Outlaws; Foreigner; Dicky Betts and Great Southern; 38 Special; Molly Hatchet; and head-liner was the Steve Miller Band. The reason I remember the whole line-up is because I almost died trying to get back to Texas to work the following Monday fell asleep at the wheel, crashed my car!!!. Concert started at I believe it was around 10 or 11 in the morning and was still rocking around midnight. Some of the bands were added in at the last minute, but this was a jam.
Anonymous said…
Hi - I was a teen and attended 1977 Sun Day #1 w/ Fleetwood Mac and 1978 Sun Day #2 w/ the Stones on Some Girls tour. It's amazing to see the bands and the iconic albums they were touring for...Just look at the line-ups and then the discography and it will blow your mind. Rumors, Bob Seger on Night Moves, Eddie Money on his best album ever, Kansas on Leftoverture, the Stones on Some Girls, etc. It's mind boggling. These were great times, fun-ass concerts. I just love that I was blessed to live in Boulder in the 60's and 70's! Go Buffs!
Unknown said…
I was at Sunday #4 and Natural gas also played. See "Straight Creek Journal, Volume 5, Number 34, August 19, 1976"
Unknown said…
Tommy Bolin and Natural Gas were on a Sunday where Peter Frampton headlined Steve Miller and Gary Wright
Unknown said…
Boston played in Boulder Frampton at Mile high
Unknown said…
Yep Outlaws were first Dickey Betts. Atlanta Rhythm Section. Lynyrd Skynyrd. Foreigner. Heart. Marshall Tucket
Unknown said…
38 special. Molly Hatchet or Steve Miller were not there
Anonymous said…
I attended Colorado Sun Day No. 2 June 16 1977. Came down from Loveland with my friends. Had seats up in the stands, ended on field right in front. Passed out. Lost track of friends, ended up having to call my uncle in Denver. If I remember right it was a 12 hour gig. Those were the days my friend.
Don F said…
The concert in August 1976 was a Colorado Sun Day and also had Andrew Gold from Linda Ronstadt's backup band who played a short set. Pure Prairie League played at least one additional song, Two Lane Highway. My mom and I were visiting my Grandmother in Sidney, Nebraska and we drove to Denver where they dropped me off at Mile High Stadium in the late morning and picked me up before the Eagles finished their show late in the evening.
Anonymous said…
I was there also. GREAT CONCERT.
Unknown said…
I was at the July 1975 show with Heart,Lynyrd Skynyrd,Foreigner andDicky Betts.I could have sworn it was referred to as Colorado Sunday #1.The power went of sometime at dusk but luckily was resumed after about a half hour os so.One distinct memory from the show for me as a 14 year old and my first concert was when Skynyrd started playing Freebird two gals sitting behind me went topless waving a Confederate flag
Unknown said…
I was at the 1986 concert folsom field, we had the field access passes along, I remember a guy called "Tiny" but he was no tiny man, he was really gigantic, it was a wild concert, Accept was not there, Tiny was mauling everyone he got in his way dibw on folsom field, when security was finally able to control Tiny, they had to restrain him on a log pole and carried up the west end stairs up folsom field and hsuked him out of the concert.
Anonymous said…
May 13, 1979. Poco, Bob Welch, Doobie Brothers, Boston. Folsom Field. I was there. Doobies rocked. Boston sucked.

Still have the shirt.
Unknown said…
Mine was 1974 I think. An all day event I was sure was called Sun Day #1. The line up included Allman Bros., Marshall Tucker, Steve Miller, Elvin Bishop, and Wet Willie. For some reason I want to throw the J. Giles Band in there but not sure. The rest I am absolutely positive on. Terribly hot and humid on wet grass covered in plastic tarps on the field with inadequate porta-potties that had us walking all the way to the inside restrooms after drinking lots of warm Coors. I think that may be why I hate Coors to this day! Surprised no on else has posted this one as there were like 30-40,000 of us there.
Unknown said…
I was at the sunday #2 in 77 with skynyrd n heart, one band that wasnt mentioned was the atlanta rythem section. I googled this because i herd marshal tucker had pulled the plugs on heart when there was a 2 hour pause in the concert. Anybody know what happened?
Unknown said…
I was wondering what happened between marshal tucker and heart,where did you hear it was cause skynyrd played so long?
Unknown said…
Ya that sunday#2 with skynyrd was awsom!the fireworks at 1 am were crazy. My first concert,fortunate to see Ronny Vanzant before he died that year. I am a huge Skynyrd fan and am now big into Blackberry Smoke!Anyone that is a southern rock fan check them out,they play RedRocks every year,you wont be disapointed!
Unknown said…
In my top ten shows: 1974 Lynyrd Skynyrd at the small club in downtown Denver called Ebbet's Field. Just after their 1st album and before Second Helping was released. Talked into going to it by a friend (RIP Dave) who played guitar. I had heard Free Bird a couple of times on the radio. They played every song from the first two albums including a 25 minute Free Bird. Ronny swilling Jack Daniels between songs leaving the wet bottle on the baby grand piano every time. Priceless!
Unknown said…
There was a power outage if I remember correctly
Anonymous said…
The colorado sunday #2 in 1977 had Atlanta Rhythm Section on the bill as well. I remember it was a very hot day in the stands at Mile high and folks above us in the upper deck were pouring water on us all the afternoon it was trashcans full of water not just a pepsi cup :) Great show and to see Skynyrd before the sad crash in Oct was excellent. Think there is even a little bit of film footage from that day.
Unknown said…
For Anonymous, I was at the Colorado Sun Day #2 also. Heart came out after Skynyrd but they ended their show by saying "Okay people we'll see you later" in the middle of the second (or maybe third) song. We had fought our way to within 50 yards of the stage for Skynyrd but we were back up in the stands by the time Heart was playing. I wondered for a long time why they ended their show so quickly, and then I read an article in Rolling Stone that said the crowd up front by the stage were being so vulgar (being a bit spun up by Skynyrd I guess...?) that they just left. If you trust Rolling Stone, that is what happened. It makes sense, but I could not verify it personally. I believe the order of shows was 1 The Outlaws, Atlanta Rhythm Section, Dicky Betts, Skynyrd, Heart, Foreigner and Marshall Tucker. Skynyrd played the same song lineup as in the "One More for/from the Road" LP. They introduced Steve Gaines as the newest member of the band. It was one hell of fun day and some really good music. Not to mention the ingestion of some interesting things to add to the fun. You may be able to search Heart in the Rolling Stone Magazine website of such a thing exists. Hope this helps. Rock on.
Anonymous said…
Thank you for posting I was at 3 of those it was so fun! Remember seeing Peter Frampton, REO Speedwagon those were the days of quaaludes, then VanHalen one of the security let me and my sister on the floor we were so lucky being right in front of the stage I really missed alot of the others wish I could of gone. Also the one comment about Ebbets field with Lynard Skynard I was there also saw Bob Segar what memories
Anonymous said…
I saw the Rolling Stones At Hughs Stadium in Fort Collins. Was on a Sunday
Unknown said…
I was at several of the SunDays. June 76, Fleetwood Mac, Santana, and Beach Boys. I keep seeing that Tommy Bolin was part of that one but I think people are mixing it up with the 76 Sunday 4 with Frampton of which The Tommy Bolin band was a part. I am a huge Bolin fan, and I went to both of those concerts and I know I was partaking in party favors, but I'm pretty sure, I would have remembered him playing two mega shows within 2 months.
If anyone can clear up my foggy memory please help. I have looked at concertarchives and they have him listed solo with fleetwood and Santana, and the Tommy Bolin band with Frampton.
I wish they still did these, got close a few weeks ago with the show at Coors Field.
Anonymous said…
I remember Tommy Bolin Band opening for the Peter Frampton headliner Sunday Concert I forget what number. The stadium hadn’t finished being built.
Anonymous said…
I was at the 1976 Sun Day #1. Firefall, not listed, followed Natural Gas.

Tommy Bolin made a guest appearance during Santana's performance; he was not on the bill.
Sally said…
#2 in 77. I thought Heart left because someone shot a pop bottle rocket onstage?
Unknown said…
also #2 in 77: Anyone remember a jet flying over Mile High during Freebird???
Anonymous said…
The date shown for 1977 Sun-Day #2 is incorrect. June 16, 1977 was a Thursday. Sunday was the 19th. No biggie.

I was at the show. All the bands were excellent. I remember the reason Heart pulled the plug was due to some freaked out rockers tossing cherry bombs up on stage. Anyone else familiar with that take?
Sally said…
we were middle of the field about the 20 yard line... it could have been cherry bombs, but there were also people firing pop bottle rockets at each other abaut ten yards in front of us. something flew on that stage.. they stopped, and they were gone.

now i'm hearing a band played too long, or there was a technical problem

according to my memory (and hell, this was 45 years plus ago) they stopped because of fireworks onstage.

i was kinda pissed.
Unknown said…
Honestly I don't remember why they stopped.We were in the stands so we didn't know what was going on.
Sally said…
do you remember LS playing Freebird?

i can't get anyone to confirm my memory that a plane flew over.. a big jet... during the song.

this of course was before stricter laws, and Stapleton was the airport... but it definitely was a flyover for us.

of course... i was high.
Unknown said…
I mentioned earlier in this thread that I was 15 years old at the time at and it was my first concert.When LS played Freebird there were two girls behind me that went topless and were waving a Confederate flag.That had my total attention. I seriously doubt there was a flyover to coincide with the song.This was a rock concert in the 70s.Any connection with the military is highly unlikely.
Anonymous said…
I was at Sunday #2 in 1977(as well as a few others over the years). It was memorable because it was my first rock show and I had a field pass and got in front of the stage. My recollection about Heart was that there were fireworks going off but right before they stopped a frisbee was thrown that hit the mic stand of one of the Wilson sisters. I distinctly remember the the plane either landing or taking off from Stapleton and flying close to Mile High while Lynyrd Skynyrd was playing Freebird. It was a long hot and incredibly fun day and still at the top of my list of concerts I’ve seen.
Anonymous said…
I came across some footage of a great concert I attended in Denver, at Mile High, 1976. I was 20 years old. I traded my ticket for two hits of acid and climbed the fence tripping to get in. It was a blast. Watch between 4:00 and 7:25 to see skynyrd and Marshall Tucker. It was all day, and included Heart, Foreigner, Average White Band, and many more. Read the YouTube comments about the show, especially the one about that massive 747 that flew over the stadium during freebird. I lost my shit on that one. Fireworks in the middle of the night.Awesome.
Anonymous said…
I came across some footage of a great concert I attended in Denver, 1956. I traded my ticket for two hits of acid and climbed the fence tripping to get in. It was a blast. Watch between 4:00 and 7:25 to see skynyrd and marshall tucker. It was all day, and included Heart, Foreigner,Average White Band, and many more.
Read the youtube comments about the show, especially the one about that massive 747 that flew over the stadium during freebird. I lost my shit on that one.
Anonymous said…
I was 16 when I went to Sunday #1 with some friends. I do not remember country Joe or Santana being there - I do, however, remember the line up as John Sebastion, Firefall, Bob Seger and then Santana .. When Fleetwood Mac sang Dreams and the line of Thunder only happens when it's raining - we had thunder .. it was very cool.

As for the Sunday #2 with Heart .. my brother was there and he was pissed. He said that when heart went to play Crazy on Me their base went out and it wasn't the same. So something happened. Didn't know it was sabotage by another band. Rude.
Anonymous said…
Sorry - my fingers type faster than I want .. John Sebastian, Firefall, Bob Seger THEN Fleetwood Mac ...
Anonymous said…
I was at the show in 1977. I was pretty impaired but remember Ann Wilson ducking a frisbee and not being happy about it. Skynyrd performed an epic set. The show went from about noon until later in the evening. We were sitting on the floor of the stadium and people were using their blankets to do Eskimo tosses. I remember one girl missing the blanket on the way down, crashing to the stadium floor and being carried away on a stretcher. Another memory is one of our group becoming in a bad way due to psychedelic ingestion and I took him to the free clinic tent. We walked inside and he saw the crowd of freaked-out and injured. My friend said "I'm not THAT fucked up" and we turned around and staggered back to our group. Such as it was back in 1977...
Anonymous said…
but the plane.. anyone remember the airliner flying over during FREEBIRD? i wasn't THAT f*cked up.
Anonymous said…
Peter Frampton at Mile high Colorado Sun-Day was $6.60 I have the ticket. Bands that played were:
Head East
Tommy Bolin
Steve Miller
Peter Frampton
Anonymous said…
I was at Sun Day #1
Anonymous said…
I was at both Fun Days #2 in '77 & '78. What great memories I have. To say I had a buzz on at the Stones concert in '78 would be an understatement.
Greg Mann said…
I'm pretty sure the reason Heart got turned off in 1977 was a record label issue. I remember clearly hearing Heart themselves talking about this years ago. That whole issue between Mushroom and their new label. Look it up, I'm sure the details are out there somewhere. I don't believe any of those bands would have been evil natured enough to turn off someone's show. I remember it happening though. It was a bummer but Heart toured enough back then that I got to see them two more times. Blessings . . .

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