Deep Purple - Made In Japan (1998 DCC Steve Hoffman Pure Analogueremaster)

Deep Purple - Made In Japan
Vinyl rip in 24-bit / 96kHZ FLAC + full artwork | 1.67GB | magnet + mega | Rock
7-track 2LP Steve Hoffman vacuum tube cut remaster DCC LPZ-2052

Recorded live in Osaka and Tokyo, Japan from August 15-17, 1972.

Condition: Near perfect vinyl copy of DCC LPZ-2052, straight and flat, 180+ Gram Analogue Virgin Heavy Vinyl Pressing. Only 5,000 were pressed.
A1      Highway Star    6:45
A2      Child In Time   12:19
B1      Smoke On The Water      7:27
B2      The Mule        9:45
C1      Strange Kind Of Women   9:10
C2      Lazy    10:35
D1      Space Truckin'  20:02

Bass – R. Glover
Drums – I. Paice
Lead Guitar – R. Blackmore
Vocals – I. Gillan
Organ, Piano – J. Lord
Remastered By – Steve Hoffman

Rare US 7-track Limited Edition DCC Compact Classics audiophile issue of the classic Double Live LP, mastered by Steve Hoffman on the 'whisper' speaker system and cut with an all vacuum tube cutting system, pressed on 180gm pure virgin vinyl, individually numbered glossy gatefold picture sleeve.

transfer: January 26, 2013
Record Doctor RCM
Audio-Technica AT33EV
Sota Sapphire w/ Eminent Technology Tonearm 2 (ET-2)
Tube Box SE II w/NOS Telefunken ECC83
E-MU 0404
Sound Studio [capture 24-bit/96kHZ]
Amadeus Pro [Analyze, split tracks, verify waveform, no clipping]
Izotope RX2 [manual de-clicking]
xACT [flac conversion, tagging, ffp]

matrix/deadwax info [stamped, initials etched]:
side 1: LPZ(2) 2052-A-15 KPG/SH
side 2: LPZ(2) 2052-B-15 KPG/SH
side 3: LPZ(2) 2052-C-15 KPG/SH
side 4: LPZ(2) 2052-D-15 KPG/SH

flac fingerprints:
A1 Highway Star.flac:b6b56b8b53255256c3f7a39aa9fa93c8
A2 Child In Time.flac:6588e570475a0527b43ae523a31601be
B1 Smoke On The Water.flac:d3a29ebd7fc4bcb8054d92bb529bde1f
B2 The Mule.flac:d079e81f76001e3a1e2bf4f2b27e3271
C1 Strange Kind Of Woman.flac:e3148fff66577b903e97e36c0cdff557
C2 Lazy.flac:c6ea6cbef752d24b61eb3a2e0118c710
D1 Space Truckin'.flac:46e8efca8fbaf361b2cdfcd69d0d5b55


fruitpoodle said…
One of my all time favourite live albums. Going to give the mega link a try. Thanks for the share.
hifidelix said…
Wow! This release is new to me. Thanks a lot!
86ed said…
I'm not a huge drum solo lover, but if you listen to The Mule with good headphones, I think you may be impressed by some pretty damn good sound and separation. I only mention it because a lot of folks are prone to skip this track in my experience... worth a listen I think!
beatlet-shirt said… up i think..have the dcc cd..sure this is an improvement.
thanks again. :smile:
manErg said…
The lead break on "Highway Child" never fails to blow my mind...I bought the UK pressing when this came out and it's still in NM condition...looking forward to checking out what SH has done with it. Thanks!
perlerorneq69 said…
this is great...thank you...!!
there's a part on i think space truckin' where richie does a guitar thing you'd swear is a dental drill...!!
anyone ever rip the longer imported version that has more songs on it??
thank you, :) p
ymphonic said…
I luuuuuuuvvvvvvv this album!

First heard it in 1980.
First bought it in 1983.
Have known it by heart ever since.
Wonder how this compares to PB’s 2010 rip of the same! :)
86ed is a name I know and respect!
ymphonic said…
There are portions of Attila's 1970 album which sound just like some of the keyboard work in "Lazy" on this album. Check it out if you dare! ;-)
appreciative said…
Very nice, thanks!
FrankyDooDy said…
Anybody seeding?? It seems no one is on :/
GPARSONS72 said…
Thanks 86ed. One of my all-time live album favorites. Purple rocks!!
86ed said…
I show at least 4, and I know there are two seedboxes plus me.
Schooner333 said…
Thanks 86ed, this should sound real nice. :grin:
anonrb said…
Thanks 86ed, sounds really nice. The dcc cd sounds a little bloated in places by comparison (the clarity/definition of the instruments across the soundstage is not as well defined - possible due to the difference in resolution between the 2 mediums).
taxman said…
Thanks 86ed. I'm in the process of getting my Marantz amp back from the shop and want to hear this one LOUD! I will follow your advice and listen through the headphones to The Mule while I'm waiting...
jackamoto said…
Thank you 86ed. One of only three LPs of theirs I have. Am looking forward to a loud listen also. BTW, I seed, but my PC is only on 4-5 hours weekdays & 12+ hours weekends.
gal101168 said…
Thank you thank thank you! :mrgreen:
odduramone said…
Thanks 86ed, listened twice, it´s late at night, got a beer...Don´t know what say, my english is limited. THANK YOU!
zoan06 said…
Wow! Amazing rip... this album has never sounded better. Well balanced and thunders throughout, just like a good live album should. Thank you!!
bladejb343 said…
I A/Bed this versus DCC CD, and PBTHAL rip.

This one is tops. Bravo, and thank you.
shags54 said…
Thank you, 86ed.

I think I can get hold of the original LP to compare. No, why bother? I'm sure this would trounce it.
Toxxy said…
Super share! Thx so much! :grin:
Philo said…
Thank you so much for this. :grin:
FrankyDooDy said…
OK I see it. Thanks!
reidcc said…
vedy vedy NICE!!!
Byte said…
Headphones on, comfortably loud volume, eyes closed, "Space Truckin'" on... wow wow! WOW!

Thank You 86ed!
Bozoleclown said…
Just listened to 2 tracks, was totally blown away, amazing rip :grin:
aristoteles78 said…
Thank you 86ed for this great sounding rip and for Mega, very good choice it works fine using jdownloader.
gal101168 said…
Is anyone having trouble burning this to DVD?
86ed said…
Well, i don't, but you are the second person to mention it. The only thing I can think of is that I started using the new version of Xact to do both the flac encoding and tagging (I used to use XLD). I don't know if or how that could cause it, but... the other guy said he re-encoded and it burned fine.
scb said…
What exactly is the problem? Are you getting an error?
gal101168 said…
The error is file corrupted or unsupported format. I use DVD-Audio Solo
scb said…
Did the fingerprints verify?
86ed said…
I was able to burn it with Burn and Toast both to DVD, no issues.
Did you verify the fingerprints as scb asked?
derty2 said…
It sounds spectacular ... a hall-of-fame rip here ... thanks a lot 86ED ++++
derty2 said…
Your attention to all the details in the presentation is first class ..... except you forgot to add the year of this pressing for reference.

Anyhow, I went to Discogs and had a look, the year of this pressing is 1998.
gal101168 said…
Yes the checksums come up with errors
gal101168 said…
I may try burn and toast. I tried discWelder too with no luck
86ed said…
Then I would re-download if I was you..
86ed said…
Oops! I'll fix it. FYI, I created that discogs entry you refer to...
gal101168 said…
OK so I've downloaded this again and when I put the files into DVD-Audio Solo this is what I get:
File is corrupted or unsupported format

Here is what Roxio says:
The file "C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\My Music\Deep Purple - Made In Japan (1972)(DCC Compact Classics - LPZ-2052 1998)\A1 Highway Star.flac" does not exist or is not a supported audio file.

And finally this is what traders little helper says when trying to verify the ffp file:
Checksum file cannot be found in directory

There were errors.

I'm stumped. I've tried encoding to wav then back to flac with no luck. Any more ideas? Oh I've also tried this on both a Windows7 and Windows XP machine.
86ed said…
I'm really sorry, but not sure what to tell you. Nobody else seems to be having the issue, I verified I can burn it myself, and with the author of Xact which I used to encode the files, he says they are fine too.

Not sure what else to recommend. Do you have a friend with a Mac? Seriously, not sure what else to suggest...
gal101168 said…
LOL that's fine 86 thanks for the quick reply. I do know someone with a Mac so I'll give that a shot.
Vogelweide said…
This is maybe a foolish suggestion. but when I've had problems with flacs, it has tended to be silly punctuation that has caused them - an angled apostrophe instead of a straight one, three full stops in the folder title, a long hyphen/dash in the folder title...
bitenbois said…
Thank you 86ed, I enjoy your rips :wink:
gal101168 said…
Well I was able to burn it and I must say 86ed that this sounds fantastic. Great job! I thought about what Vogelweide said and I created a new folder on my C drive as Deep Purple and moved the flacs over to it and viola it worked!
dedelandia said…
I have an "exotic" 70's pressing in very bad shape, I'm willing to check this out. Cheers
perlerorneq69 said…
I have only heard Euripides' rip, never PB's rip...
I am very happy with this one even though I have not finished listening...DR seems really high/loud...!!
thank you again for ripping/posting...
this truly is one of the great '70's albums...
gotta love ian gillan's "singing" :) :)
thank you, :) p
scb said…
If the files don't verify, then your download isn't complete or something else is preventing you from getting the full fileset.
Anonymous said…
Can someone Please post Download links???
Thanks a lot!!! :)
86ed said…
I don't post links here... you need to reach out to me with contact info...
Anonymous said…
I would love to have this...what do I have to do? Thank you.
Anonymous said…
Let me know how to "reach out" for contact info...sorry for the newbie hassle...
This is my petition.

This blog is awesome.

With my google user is enough?

Eternal thanks!
Anonymous said…
Still don't know how to get this....or where to contact the OP...would love to have this; love Hoffman and this mastering.
86ed said…
When you post as anonymous, I can't help you....
Anonymous said…
I have a sealed test pressing 2 LP of this title, any idea of value as I would like to sell ? Thanks
86ed said…
I'd guess in the $200 range, maybe more. Never heard of a sealed TP though...? Got pics?
cudashaker said…
Awesome blog would be fantastic to hear this
mistersparkle said…
I love this album and would to hear the vinyl - I bet it beats the CD.
itsmeee said…
How to download?
mikeybost said…
Hi 86ed, i too was excited to stumble upon this. would you please send a link to my email, Greatly appreciated.

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