Albert Collins - Trash Talkin' (1969) (Imperial LP-12438 originalpressing) 24-bit 96kHZ vinyl rip

Albert Collins – Trash Talkin’

Vinyl rip in 24-bit / 96kHZ and redbook | FLAC | no cue or log (vinyl) | artwork
198 MB (16/44) + 783 MB (24/96)  | FF/FP/RS/Torrent | Blues | Imperial LP-12438

Trash Talkin' is the second (or maybe third? Cool Sounds is really a compilation to me) studio LP from the ”The Ice Man”, “The Master of the Telecaster”, ”The Razor Blade” — take your pick of nickname, Albert Collins played some mean blues!

Albert really has a fantastic, to me, quintessential Telecaster sound on this LP. I ripped it a few years ago and it was marred by a lot of distortion on the horns. Out of desperation this weekend, I did the Titebond-II wood glue treatment, and the improvments are dramatic!  So, if you happened to have my old rip from my old site, trash it!


A1 Harris County Line-Up
A2 Conversation With Collins
A3 Jawing
A4 Grapeland Gossip
A5 Chatterbox
A6 Trash Talkin’
B1 Medley: Baby What You Want Me To Do / Rock Me Baby
B2 Lip Service
B3 Talking Slim Blues
B4 Back-Yard Back-TalkB5 Tongue Lashing
B6 And Then It Started Raining

I have read that many artists on the Imperial label around this time, were backed by the Dixie Flyers. The line-up below may not be the correct 1969 formation. Any corrections would be appreciated.

Albert Collins (guitar, vocals)
Jim Dickinson (piano and guitar)
Charlie Freeman (guitar)
Tommy McClure (bass)
Mike Utley (organ)
Sammy Creason (drums)

lineup may also have included:
James Hooker Brown (organ)
Robert 'trap' Tarrant (drums)

transfer: January 06, 2013
Record Doctor RCM
Audio-Technica AT33EV
Sota Sapphire w/ Eminent Technology Tonearm 2 (ET-2)
Tube Box SE II w/NOS Telefunken ECC83
E-MU 0404
Sound Studio [capture 24-bit/96kHZ]
Amadeus Pro [Analyze, split tracks, verify waveform, no clipping]
Izotope RX2 [manual de-clicking]
XLD [flac conversion]


Observando Desde El Sur said…
And a last Thank you, for now, 86ed! :wink:

All the best,
Isabelxxx said…
WoW! The sound here is just incredible... thank you!
Toxxy said…
Yeah, thanks indeed!

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